Does shreddage x work on lmms
Does shreddage x work on lmms

does shreddage x work on lmms

does shreddage x work on lmms does shreddage x work on lmms

Only one hi-tech chip was was a 16bit x 16bit multiplier. The more I think of it, that thing would be a hackers dream, all 74LS TTL DIPs in wirewrap sockets, about 10,000 of them. In the early 80’s Red was the only cheap LED so no nice colors. We had bench top modules with the pattern but with switches on each bit to force it high, low, or pass. As we single stepped the Processor Element, you could watch the data travel through the computer. We had LED in panels arranged in groups of 16 for each register or bus we hooked to. Wow, I actually worked at the gate level on a supercomputer and we had what I called the “man from UNCLE” lights that looked like that and actually worked. Posted in hardware Tagged bigclive, confined spaces, electric shock, electrocution, safety Post navigation Of course, if safety isn’t your thing, then maybe you’re ready to Shake Hands With Danger.

#Does shreddage x work on lmms how to#

You’ll find a candid discussion about what electric shock does to a person, how to avoid it, and how to help if someone near you suffers electric shock. In this video, he explains how electricity has the potential to impede the beating of our hearts, the action of our lungs, and even break bones. Who better to bring us down to earth than Big Clive. If we allow ourselves to get too lax, we may be found working on live circuits, skimping on safety for the sake of convenience, or jokingly saying “safety third!” far too often as we tear into a hazardous situation without scoping it out first. “Familiarity breeds contempt” as the old saying goes, and the more familiar we are with electronics, the more cavalier we may tend to get. And it’s you who Big Clive made the video below the break for. Depending on what you’re working on, you might even be dealing with several thousand volts. You aren’t afraid of a few volts, and your projects may involve both DC and AC voltage. If you’re reading this sentence, there’s a pretty good chance that you interact with electricity more than just as an end-user.

Does shreddage x work on lmms