Pablo escobar the drug lord wikia
Pablo escobar the drug lord wikia

pablo escobar the drug lord wikia

The whole situation is later erased from the registries (proving how powerful Escobar is). Pablo gets angry, yells at the officer and gets his mug shot. It turns out the police found out how much cargo Pablo traffics is worth and they are disappointed on how small cut they get for letting it through. Pablo discovers his deal with the local police was not kept and goes to the police station himself to find out why. The show then shows the basic operation of the Cartel including how the cocaine is produced and trafficked. At the end of the conversation, he asks the police officers to choose between silver (being bribed to let them through) or lead (being killed by armed Pablo crew). By this, he demonstrates how deep he controls the police (even on the personal level) and how much the police officers have to lose. Pablo talks briefly to the police officers showing them he knows a lot about them and their families.

pablo escobar the drug lord wikia

Later there's a scene when the drugs cargo lead by Pablo Escobar is pulled over by the police. The episode continues and introduces some characters: Cockroach, Pablo Escobar, Gacha and their role in the cocaine business the Medellin Cartel started.


After the first scene and the series intro, the action rolls back to Chile, year 1973 for the real start. The event pictured is actually a flash-forward from what happens at the end of the Season 1. He kills many (innocent) people in that pub as a side effect of killing Poison and this fact is used as an illustration of what it takes to fight the drug business. They, in turn, pass this information to Horacio Carrillo who uses it to take Poison down. They use that information to inform Drug Enforcement Administration about it. They capture Poison calling Lizard setting up a meeting in a local pub later that night. He talks about how hard it was for the intelligence agencies back then to capture a phone call, especially a satellite one. The episode begins in Bogota, Colombia in 1989. DEA agent Steve Murphy joins the war on drugs in Bogota. Chilean drug chemist Cockroach brings his product to Colombian smuggler Pablo Escobar.

Pablo escobar the drug lord wikia